Why You Should Purchase Pet Insurance for Your Puppy

When a new puppy goes home with you, one of the first major decisions to consider is whether you should purchase pet health insurance. Some think that young dogs don’t need coverage. But the best time to set up insurance for your fur baby is when they are puppies. Lisa Fimberg from petpav.com broke down why it’s important to consider pet health insurance for your new best friend.

Consider this:

  • A puppy can develop a chronic condition at a very young age
  • Your rambunctious puppy might hurt himself
  • If your start your dog at an early age, the premiums are much lower
  • You can start protecting your precious puppy from anything like a pesky bee sting to parvo, a potentially life-threatening disease
  • With most insurance policies, you can visit any licensed veterinarian including the specialists and emergency animal hospitals
  • The standard reimbursement percentage for pet insurance policies is 80%
  • To find the best value for your puppy, you’ll need to look at the quoted premiums against the coverage each provider offers for your specific pet’s health risk and needs

Whether pet insurance is the right fit for you and your puppy depends on your puppy’s breed and your financial situation.  Talk to your vet about potential conditions that might occur with your puppy.

Learn more here.