Urinary Tract Infections: Commonly Claimed Medical Conditions for Pets

Dr. Jacquelyn Chorba Discusses the #1 Most Commonly Claimed Medical Condition for Cats and Dogs

Pet health insurance (PHI) really does pay. From unexpected accidents to seasonal conditions, PHI enables pet parents to secure the best care possible for their pets instead of basing decisions on economics alone. To tell the story behind PHI and let pet parents know how others are using insurance, NAPHIA has interviewed veterinary practitioners to get their thoughts on the most commonly claimed medical conditions, including tips on preventative care for your pet.

We spoke with Dr. Jacquelyn Chorba of Bartels Busack Pet Hospital Resort & Spa in Parma, Ohio, about conditions 1-3, and Dr. Nichole Agarwal from Arrow Dog and Cat Hospital in Montclair, California, about conditions 4-7. NAPHIA will be posting one condition each week until December, and you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep updated.

#1 Most Commonly Claimed Condition for both Cats & Dogs: UTI’s

For Dr. Chorba UTI’s or urinary tract infections are a very common condition that she sees at her clinic. While symptoms vary for cats and dogs, pet parents should watch for increased frequency in urination, or urination inside the house or outside the litter box, as these are common signs. Blood in urine or straining to urinate are also common issues.

UTI’s can also be called “cystitis,” and are caused by bacteria that settle in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and/or urethra of an animal.

“What we’ll tell clients who have pets with repeated urinary issues is to switch the pet’s diet, and we also like to promote additional water drinking. So that might include adding some wet food to the diet or utilizing a fountain that offers constantly flowing fresh water to get the tract flushed out more regularly,” Dr. Chorba explains when asked about preventative measures.

Is Your Pet Covered?

If your pets are already covered, we’d like to give you a furry high-five. Now, go out and spread the word! Don’t have coverage yet? Well, what are you waiting for?! Explore the Pet-Parents section of our website to learn more. With providers across the US and Canada, there is sure to be a company that’s just right for you and the ones you love.

Stay tuned for Dr. Chorba’s insights on the number 2 and 3 conditions. To see all of the Top 10 Most Common Medical Conditions for cats and dogs read our full article.

The Most Commonly Claimed Medical Conditions has been compiled from NAPHIA’s annual State of the Industry Report, providing everything you need to know about the marketplace in North America.

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:
toll-free: 1-877-962-7442